Convox Console

Convox offers the Console service to manage and monitor your Racks. Console allows you to install new Racks, decide who has access to them, and integrate them with other services such as GitLab or Slack.

How it works

Authentication to an individual Rack is handled by a single, randomly-generated password. Rather than sharing this master password with your entire team you can use Console to store these passwords and proxy access to individual users.


In Console you can create Organizations to manage your infrastructure and decide who has access to it. You can add one or more Racks to an Organization and then invite other members of your team.

Audit Logs

Console keeps track of all events that happen on your Racks. You get a historical record of what has changed and who changed it.


Add your Slack team to Console and receive notifications for any changes to your production infrastructure.

Automated Builds

Add your GitLab or Github organization to Console and easily trigger builds every time you push a new change.